Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mission to Pluto Is Like a Next-Gen Voyager

Yesterday, a cosmic coincidence brought together two spacecraft. One, a veteran cosmic explorer, is hurtling
ever outward toward the hinterlands of the solar system. The curtain is still waiting to rise on the other, a relative youngster that will soon be stepping into the spotlight.
On August 25, the Pluto-destined New Horizons spacecraft crossed Neptune’s orbit — 25 years to the day after its elder sibling, Voyager 2, swooped in for a close look at the big, blue ice giant and its curious, geyser-spewing moon.
That cosmic collusion of events helps mark the passing of a torch from one generation of space explorers to another, scientists said during a press conference commemorating the occasion.
A quarter-century ago, Voyager 2 beamed the first good images of Neptune back to Earthly eyes. Now, of course, Neptune isn’t anywhere near where it was then. But that didn’t stop New Horizons from snapping a quick photo as it zoomed over Neptune’s invisible footsteps. From 4 billion kilometers away, the giant planet and its weird moon Triton appear as nothing more than a few tiny pixels, a bit brighter than the inky black background.

For many, exploring the Pluto system will be the modern equivalent of the Voyager mission, says New Horizons principal investigator Alan Stern.
“This is the first opportunity in a generation to really explore a new planetary system for the first time,” he said. “When I was growing up, we had the privilege of seeing the first orbiter at Mars, and the first landers. And then, the first missions to Jupiter, to Saturn and Uranus and Neptune. And they were enthralling. And they were mind-blowing in terms of the richness of nature. But there hasn’t been anything like this yet in a long time.”
I think it’s safe to say that the spotlight will be firmly fixed on New Horizons when it pulls up next to Pluto in July 2015 and sends those first detailed images of the dwarf planet back to Earth. It’ll be like sending a long-awaited interplanetary postcard to millions of people at once.
Pluto is the most farflung system we will have explored. That enormous distance means we know relatively little about the tiny planet, which is faint and hard to see, even for the most powerful telescopes. “Even with all of our modern technology, everything we know about the Pluto system today would probably fit on one piece of paper,” Stern said, gesturing to a regular old piece of paper.
The same could probably be said for several of the giant planets in the 1980s. Putting the issues of politics and funding aside, these are stories of discovery on the grandest scale, of visiting new worlds and revealing new vistas.
Erupting Ice
Take Neptune, for example. Until Voyager arrived in 1989, the planet was a small blue smear in the sky. But Voyager saw much more than that. Fragments of rings gracefully hugged the space near the planet’s equator. A storm the size of Earth left a large, dark blue blotch on the cerulean surface (the Great Dark Spot had disappeared by the time Hubble aimed its eye at Neptune five years later). Methane clouds high in Neptune’s atmosphere hovered in relief above the otherwise smooth, gassy world. “The planet also had the highest speed winds of any that we had seen in the solar system — over 1,000 milers per hour,” says Voyager project scientist Ed Stone. “We were surprised to find such an active atmosphere so far from the sun.”
High altitude clouds streak Neptune's atmosphere. (NASA/JPL)
High altitude clouds streak Neptune’s atmosphere. (NASA/JPL)
And then there was Neptune’s strange little moon, Triton. Before Voyager arrived, teams had no idea what they would find. Unlike some of the other outer planet moons, Triton was not formed in the same neighborhood as Neptune. Instead, it grew up far, far away, in a region known as the Kuiper Belt. That distant band of rocky objects is home to the likes of Pluto and its dwarfy brethren.
“Triton was captured by Neptune and probably had geologic activity early in its history. But we had no idea, really, what it was going to look like,” Stone says. “There were many surprises ahead for us.”
The flyby revealed an active world with strange surface features (dubbed “cantaloupe terrain”), fractures, icy lava and geysers strewing dark material across the moon’s bright polar cap. “Even at the most remote edges, we have an active, alive surface on this cold little moon,” Stone says.
Now, a new animation using re-processed images from Voyager recreates that early flyby.

Voyager 2 Encounter with Triton(Youtube)


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